Anytime you ask Canada to take care of its own – you are invoking a socialist concept. Some examples of this concept are Employment Insurance (EI), Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH), or the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and even Old Age Security (OAS).
I am all for taking care of these people. But, there is this thing called money, that medium of exchange rewarding those for services rendered and products produced. And we (now called taxpayers) give a percentage of our earnings to those in charge. And they (our government) do things like, build roads, bridges, sewage systems along with employing the services of medical professionals, educators, and law enforcement personnel.
For most, it is worth the tax dollars. But there is a tipping point reached sooner when we taxpayers see the government spending our hard-earned dollars on frivolous things like nanny’s for the Prime Minister or taking unauthorized vacations. Let alone, those fabulous life-long pensions for a few years of service.
But I digress.
There is only so much money to go around
With the natural-born population decreasing and ill-advised government spending, there is not a lot of funds left to go around, or so it seems. So we see this country sending a lot of money to other nations in need around the world and some scream, “take care of our own.”
That is, really, a noble and generous concept. Take care of our own, much like we take care of the elderly and the sick…the downtrodden not so much. But we are getting there. Regardless, as I said before this takes money.
Money, except those in the upper levels of well-heeled, is a commodity that is in short supply. One only needs to look to the newspaper and see personal debt rising to record levels. Interest rates rise acting as a hedge against inflation and so on.
The reality is, and the government knows this, you can only get so much blood out of a stone. Now, throw in the fact Canadian families are shrinking, and that goes hand in hand with the amount of money Canadians have to spend on helping homeless veterans and other displaced people.
Before the second world war, there was a younger workforce producing enough money to pay for the pensions for those retiring. Remember, the Canadian family is shrinking, that means fewer Canadians entering the workforce. Now, throw in the miracle of science and people are living longer and the aging population is a direct result of baby boomers.
The population is aging
Nowadays, the government encourages us to take care of ourselves with self-directed retirement strategies, because the aging population is a drain on our financial resources. Of course, don’t forget about having quality medical facilities to take care of them. And let’s not forget there are those who want a benchmark of $2000 per month for a pension. Ha, dream on. With a declining population and fewer people entering the workforce, who’s going to pay for that?
Yup, some of those raging against socialism never thought about that.
Love them or leave them, our government has.
But their resolution, which can address the “take care of our own first” issue along with “social security should be $2,000 per month,” is…immigration.
Yeah, that’s right.
You heard it.
Some hate it.
Some stupidly promote hate and want to kill them.
But, if you haven’t by now, put two and two together. If the population is declining and the workforce is aging – where are you going to get the money to take care of the homeless and the destitute?
Without immigration and refugees to fill those jobs nobody else wants – how do you propose raising more money to take care of that which you hold so dear?
Get back to me with an answer.
I’ll wait.
by Verhomme